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               5785 Memorial Book                                                                                                                             

June 2024/Sivan/Tammuz 5784


                                                            Rumson Jewish Center at Congregation B'nai Israel 

                                                                 Yizkor/Memorial Book 5785/2024-2025

Dear Member or Friend:

One of the most emotionally moving customs of our congregation is the remembrance of our departed relatives and friends.  The 5785/2024-2025 version of our Memorial Book will be used during Yizkor Services and other occasions throughout the year.

Similar to last year, we will again need to make modifications to the format of High Holy Day Services and our Memorial Book distribution.  High Holy Day Services will be a hybrid event that will incorporate services in our sanctuary, as well as virtually.  Regardless of how you attend, you will receive the book so that you can participate in our Yom Kippur Yizkor Service.

As a member, if you had a listing in last year's book, it will be repeated unchanged.  If you have any changes, corrections or sadly, additions, please indicate such on the card provided in mailing or click here to pay onlineby July 25, 2024.  We may not be able to make corrections, additions or changes after that date.

Please include your written instructions and donation, payable by check, and mail by July 25, 2024 to:

                                    Congregation B'nai Israel Memorial Book
                                    171 Ridge Road
                                    Rumson, NJ 07760

This year you also have the option of paying online at under the “giving” tab by selecting the “Memorial Book” option or by charge card by calling Alice McPhee, 732 842-1800, option 9.

As in the past, non-members are invited to participate, at a required minimum donation of $36 per line.

If we do not hear from members, their listings will remain unchanged.  If we do not hear from non-members, their listings will not be included.

Thank you in advance for your participation and understanding in these difficult times.  Please feel free to contact the committee member below with any questions.

The Memorial Book Committee

For Questions:
                        Ellen Levine                                        Thayne Tessenholtz
                        732 747-9243                                       732 933-0455
Sun, March 9 2025 9 Adar 5785