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Rumson Jewish Center at Congregation B’nai Israel appreciates any and all financial contributions. You can give as little as $18 or leave a legacy by including RJC@CBI in your will or estate. Your gift, no matter what size, will help sustain us for years to come. A few of the ways to donate are listed below.


Traditionally, many congregants like to make tribute gifts, in honor of or in memory of a loved one or to mark a special event. The minimum donation is $18 which includes recognition in our synagogue newsletter and a tribute card to the recipient. If you do not wish to send a tribute card, the minimum donation is $15.

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Sanctuary Seats

For just $360 you can give a gift to the synagogue and honor the birth of a child or grandchild, remember a loved one or celebrate a birthday, anniversary or other milestone with a permanent, small, brass plaque affixed to a pew seat in our beautifully, renovated sanctuary. Maximum 25 spaces or characters per line, 100 character limit.

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Tree of Life Gold Leaves and Stones

Share the joy of your family simcha by dedicating a golden leaf or stone on one of the two Tree of Life sculptures that beautify the walls of the main lobby. The Leaves and stones may be inscribed to commemorate such joyous events as births, weddings, anniversaries, graduations, B’nai Mitzvah or to honor parents, family or friends. For members, leaves are $200 and stones are $2,000. Inscription limitations apply.

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Memorial Plaques 

Look in the sanctuary and you will see Yahrzeit boards filled with memorial plaques for past members and their loved ones. During the week of your loved one’s yahrzeit, a light is lit next to their name. The lights are also lit for Yizkor services during the holidays (Yom Kippur, Shemeni Atzeret/Simchat Torah, Passover, and Shavuot). For members, Yahrzeit plaques are $500 and include the deceased’s English and Hebrew Name, English and Hebrew date of death. Plaques may be reserved for future use.

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Bima Bricks

In 2009, the renovation of our sanctuary was completed and included a beautiful new Bima. Surrounding the ark is a wall of white limestone. You can have one of the bima bricks, surrounding the ark, inscribed with your name or in honor of a loved one. Bima bricks start at $20,000. This permanent remembrance is a meaningful way to celebrate your connection to Rumson Jewish Center at Congregation B'nai Israel.

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Memorial Book

One of the most beautiful customs at Rumson Jewish Center at Congregation B'nai Israel is the annual remembrance of our departed relatives and friends with a listing in the Yizkor/ Memorial Book. These books are produced annually and distributed at Yom Kippur Yizkor services and all Yizkor services throughout the year. Members, and as well as non-members, may memorialize their deceased family and friends by including them in these book. 
For members, there is no fee associated with the listings in the Memorial Book although donations are gratefully accepted. For non-members, a fee of $18 per listing is required.

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High Holy Day Budget Appeal

This annual campaign is the primary source of giving for the congregation. Gifts to the High Holy Day Appeal help bridge the gap between membership dues and actual operating costs.

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Underwriting Possibilities

Members and friends may fund new initiatives or provide budget relief for costly projects so that more funds will be available for education and other activities. A donor can either totally or partially underwrite a project.


Mon, March 24 2025 24 Adar 5785